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Our mission is for JackBord to be the notebook equivalent for STEM subjects in all schools

Our early adopter schools have identified the efficiency of the JackBord as being the key item in their teaching toolkit and are setting aside budget to purchase more. We understand some schools may have fully allocated budgets, or simply struggle for sufficient funding to undertake anything other than traditional education, often not enough for many students to achieve curriculum or realise potential; especially those with special needs or where traditional learning fails to trigger their interest.


Here are some ideas for schools to consider to fund a system that could make a difference to them and their students.

The JackBord Trust

JackBord Works Limited's main shareholder is a registered charity, the JackBord Trust. 

The Trust's primary purpose is to find ways to reach and encourage more students to take up coding, engineering and science as careers through educational advancement. 

The Trust could assist schools and students to find ways to fund its purpose through the purchase and or donation of JackBords from any dividends from its shareholding in the business, or as a vehicle for businesses, parents and other charities to make a tax deductible donation. 

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