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Romeos Infrared Remote Control Driving Program

This program allows a JackBord to with drive motors to be driven using a normal TV remote control.



Romeos Infrared Remote Control Driving Program

22 July 2021

This program allows a JackBord with drive motors to be driven using

a normal TV remote control.


prog_vars =

d/count 0

d/color 0

d/pos 50

d/neg -50


prog_start =



-- Claw up and open

svp c1 0

svp c2 180

print "Program Start neg /neg pos /pos"


prog_loop =

-- pclear

-- "/s_ird neg /neg pos /pos"

-- Motion Control

any /s_ird = 505 -> sbms /pos /pos

any /s_ird = 481 -> sbms /pos /neg

any /s_ird = 515 -> sbms /neg /neg

any /s_ird = 527 -> sbms /neg /pos

any /s_ird = 542 -> sbms 0 0

-- Claw control

any /s_ird = 513 -> svp c1 0

any /s_ird = 541 -> svp c1 50

any /s_ird = 511 -> svp c2 0

any /s_ird = 418 -> svp c2 180

-- Speed Control

any /s_ird = 517 -> /pos 40|/neg -40

any /s_ird = 519 -> /pos 60|/neg -60

inc /count

any /count >= 5 ->

rand 1 15 -> /color

l1 /color

rand 1 15 -> /color

l2 /color

rand 1 15 -> /color

l3 /color

/count 0



prog_stop =

bms 0

print "Bye"


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