This program uses the rand and toggle commands to randomly
flash LEDs connected to port A. The rand command generates a
number between 1 and 5 and stores it in the /rand_no var.
The tg (toggle command) then uses the /rand_no as an argument to
toggle the corresponding led on port A.
This is possible because the toggle command uses channels.
Random Light Flasher Program using the rand and toggle comamnds
This program uses the rand and toggle commands to randomly
flash LED's connected to port A. The rand command generates a
number between 1 and 5 and stores it in the /rand_no var.
The tg (toggle command) then uses the /rand_no as an argument to
toggle the corresponding led on port A.
This is possible because the toggle command uses channels.
prog_vars =
d/runs_to_do 50
d/runs_done 0
d/rand_no 0
prog_start =
prog_loop =
-- Do /runs_to_do runs
repeat /runs_to_do ->
-- Get a random number
rand 1 15 -> /rand_no
"rand no /rand_no run no /runs_done"
-- Toggle the value of the channel no in the /rand_no var
tg /rand_no
-- dec the runs to do and inc runs done
dec /runs_to_do
inc /runs_done
-- exit after runs done
any /runs_done >= /runs_to_do -> exitprog
prog_stop =
-- Turn the port A Leds off
print "Bye"