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Bumper Robot

This program is for the bumper robot.
It has a front bumper connected to port A pin A1
and a back bumper connected to port A pin A2.

When the robot collides with an object on the front bumper, it will first of all go backwards and secondly it will do a slight turn so as to avoid the object in the future. Likewise when it hits an object in the rear it will move forwards and do a slight turn.



Bumper Robot Program

This program is for the bumper robot.

It has a front bumper connected to port A pin A1

and a back bumper connected to port A pin A2.


prog_vars =

-- Keep track of the number of bumps.

d/front 0

d/back 0

-- Track to no of times we have run.

d/count 0


prog_start =

print "Bumper Robot Program Setup"

-- Reset the buttons


-- Setup the front bumper.

-- Go back and turn left.

btp a1 bms -50|lms -10|d500|lms -50|inc /front

-- Setup the back bumper.

-- Go forward and turn right.

btp a2 bms 50|rms 10|d500|rms 50|inc /back

-- Set both motors to forwards at 50

bms 50


prog_loop =

-- main program loop

-- Increase the /count by 1

inc /count

-- Check if we shoukd exit.

any /count > 1000 -> exitprog


prog_stop =

print "Bye Front /front Back /back"

-- Clear the buttons


-- Stop the robot



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