The JackBord Electronics Kit contains all of the electronic components you need to learn basic electronics.
It is a great way to get started in both electronics and coding.
The TOP includes:
4 x Types of fixed resistors
2 x 10K variable resistors
2 x Buttons
1 x Light Dependent Resistor
5 x LEDs
1 x Diode
3 x Capacitors
3 x Transistors
These are all accessible using the built in pins and the provided jumper wires.
The TOP can be controlled from the JackBord opening up an enormous range of possibilities from simple electronics projects to computer games.
Project links (videos) to inspire you to create your own include:
Rainbow LED display
Automatic night light
Night hour clock
Electronic dice
Continuity tester
Reaction timer
Buzz wire game
Kit contents:
1 x JackBord
1 x JackBord TOP
1 x USB C charger cable
40 x 10cm female jumper wires
4 x Crocodile clip jumper wires
1 x ~30cm length of utility wire