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Colour Sensor Module

The TCS34725 colour module allows the JackBord to determine the colour of a surface or object placed near the sensor.

Colour Sensor Module

The TCS34725 color module allows the JackBord to determine the color of a surface or object placed near the sensor.

Connecting the Sensor to the JackBord

The sensor uses the I2C bus on the JackBord, which is located on port D. The diagram below shows the connections between the color sensor and the JackBord.

Once you have connected the sensor to the JackBord log into your dashboard and open the command line. Once there we need to type the following commands

1. To turn on the I2C System, type:


2. To find the color sensor, type:


This will find the sensor and display a result like the one below.

> f2c
< Finding I2C Devices....
< TCS34725 RGB Color Sensor at address [41]
< Found 1 devices

If the sensor is not found check your connections.

3. To get some readings, type:


you should see something like this:

  26 CT       COLOR TEMP  7749   7749.00  K
  27 LIGHT    LUX         845    845.00   lux
  28 RED      RED         797    797.00   Int
  29 GREEN    GREEN       1307   1307.00  Int
  30 BLUE     BLUE        1310   1310.00  Int
  31 CLEAR    CLEAR       3354   3354.00  Int
  32 COLOR    COLOR       3354   3354.00  Txt

Note the maximum value for all of the channels is 65535.

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