spion - Enable the SPI system
Turn on the SPI system.
spioff - Disable the SPI system
Purpose Turn off the SPI system.
Syntax spioff
spipins - Set the port pins to use for the SPI system
Allows the pins to be used for the SPI system to be set.
Syntax spipins SCK MISO MOSI CS
Arguments SCK Port pin to be used for the SCK pin. MISO Port pin to be used for the MISO pin. MOSI Port pin to be used for the MOSI pin.
CS Port pin to be used for the CS pin. Examples spipins c2 c3 c4 c5 Setup port C pins 2 to 5 to be the SPI port pins.
Notes The port B and E pins cannot be used for SPI.
spot - Set the Resistance value of the MCP4161 Digital Potentiometer
Set the Resistance value of the MCP4161 Digital Potentiometer which is connected to the SPI port.
spot value
Digital pot value between 0 and 255.
spot 50
Connection to JackBord SPI Port on Port C.
vspi - Display the status of the SPI system
Purpose Displays the status and basic settings of the SPI port system.
Syntax vspi