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Smart LED Commands

sled Smart LED Control


Control WS2812B smart LEDs


Control the color and brightness of one or more WS2812B Smart LEDs attached to port C5 on their JackBord.

Note: you need to run the sledn command first to tell the JackBord how many LEDs are connected to the strip. So if we had 10 LEDs the command would be sledn 10 and so on. In this example the first led in the strip is number 1, the last is no 10.


This command has two versions:

Syntax 1: In this version you use a single number between 0 and 15 to set the color of the specified LED, using the colors in the table below.

sled N C U


N The number of the LED to be controlled.

C The color to set the LED to, from the list of colors below:

U Update the LEDs: Missing means update the LEDs now. 0 = Don't update them, instead use the usled command later to update them all in one go.


sled 5 3

The 3 is the color red. If you ran the command with a 0 at the end the LEDs wont change until you run the usled command which updates them all. eg sled 5 3 0

Syntax 2: Use RGB values to set the LEDs color.

sled N R G B U



The number of the LED to be controlled.


The red value, 0 to 255


The green value, 0 to 255


The blue value, 0 to 255 Pushers No

U Update the LEDs: Missing means update the LEDs now. 0 = Don't update them, instead use the usled command later to update them all in one go.


sled 3 255 255 255 Set LED 3 to white and do it right now

sled 3 255 255 255 0 Set LED 3 to white but don't update the LED, LED will only change color when the usled command is run.


Works with a WS2812B smart led strip.

Use the usled command to update the LEDs all in one go.

sledb Set Smart LED Brightness


Set the brightness of the smart LEDs.


Set the brightness of the WS2812B Smart LEDs attached to port C5 on ther JackBord. Note: you need to run the sledn command first to tell the JackBord how many LEDs are connected to the strip. So if we had 10 LEDs the command would be sledn 10 and so on.


sledb B


B The desired brightness from 0 to 100. 0 = Off 100 = Maximum brightness.


sledb 0

Turn the smart LEDs off

sledb 50

Set the brightness to half


Works with a WS2812B smart led strip.

sledn Set Number of Smart LEDs


Set the number of Smart LEDs connected to the JackBord.


Tells the JackBord how many WS2812B smart LEDs it is controlling with the sled command. NOTE: You need to run this command BEFORE using the sled command.


sledn total



The total number of WS2812B smart LEDs connected to the JackBord.1 to 50.


sledn 10


Works with a WS2812B smart led strip.

sledoff Turn All of the Smart LEDs Off

sledoff Turn all of the smart LEDS off

Purpose Turn all of the WS2812B Smart LEDs off on a given pin.

Syntax sledoff #~

Arguments # The port letter a, b, c, d

~ The port pin number 1 to 5

Notes Works with a WS2812B smart led strip.

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