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RC Servo Commands

svp - Set servo position

Purpose This sets the shaft position of an rc servo connected to the JackBord

Syntax svp #~ pos

Arguments #~ The pin to which the servo is connected to on ports A, C, D & E. pos

svs - Sweep Servo from 0 to pos


Sweep the servo from 0 to the specified position and back. An optional delay between 1deg steps may also be added.


svs #~ pos delay

Arguments #~ The pin to which the servo is connected to on ports A, C, D & E. pos The position to sweep to. 0 -180deg. delay (optional) This is an optional delay, in milli- seconds, between each 1deg step of the servo’s shaft. 5 to 50,000 milli-seconds.

Examples svs a1 0 svs a1 90 svs a1 180 50

svt - Sweep Servo from position 1 to position 2


Allow a servo to sweep from one angle to another and back. eg from 90 to 100 and back.


svt #~ pos1 pos2 delay



The pin to which the servo is connected to on ports A, C, D & E.


The start position to sweep the servo to. 0 top 180deg.


The stop position to sweep the servo to. 0 top 180deg.

delay (optional)

This is an optional delay, in milli- seconds, between each 1deg step of the servo’s shaft. 5 to 50,000 milli-seconds.


svt a1 45 90 svt a1 90 120 50 svt a1 /pos1 /pos2/ /delay

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